Welcome to Little Acorn Services!

At Little Acorn Services (LAS) we are dedicated to providing a bespoke, supportive, needs-based service to young people.

We work with young people to assist them in developing skills that will enable them to transition to independent living successfully. We do this through the support we provide in our 24/7 supported accommodation, our 18+ accommodation with floating support, our teenage parent and baby units and our outreach work in the community. The young people we work with are 16 and over and have been referred to us by Local Authorities.

We are committed to improving young people’s outcomes by working with the Every Child Matters framework.  We work closely with our partner agencies in Health, Education, Employment, Training and the Youth Offending Service (YOS). We also work closely with youth and community services to engage our young people in positive activities.

We understand the complex nature of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and ensure that all staff are trained to a high standard. As an organisation we have clear policies and procedures to safeguard and support young people at risk of CSE.

We respect, empathise and listen to young people and we are passionate about improving their experiences and giving them confidence and a firm foundation for a bright and positive future.